How to: A 101 Guide to Product Photography

Product photography. Picture displayed on marketstroLights, camera, sales! — In the world of e-commerce, captivating product photography is the ultimate secret weapon for skyrocketing your sales. We live in an era where visuals reign supreme, and customers rely on eye-catching images to make purchasing decisions. In this regard, working on creating high-quality product images should be a consistent part of your brand. This is because these enticing images can be the key to capturing attention, building trust, and ultimately scaling your sales. 

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In this article, we will explore the importance of product photography and provide practical tips on how to leverage it to boost your business. Get your lens cap ready, because we’re about to dive into the art of selling with stunning visuals!

Showcase Your Product in the Best Lighting
When it comes to product photography, lighting is your best friend. Think of it as your personal spotlight, accentuating the beauty and details of your or services.

While natural lighting can be fantastic, it may be difficult to get the right timing, avoid shadows and it may also limit your creativity because you’re stuck on shooting near a particular window and angle. This is why you need to invest in getting quality Led Lights from a trusted vendor. A good example is this portable Pro Led 800 Light with tripod that is available on 

Your Photography Device is Key
We can all agree that high-quality cameras are really expensive however they are useful in getting mesmerizing images. While these are facts, technology has made it easier for us to do without a professional camera or get to the studio to get great pictures. Invest in a great phone that has good quality cameras and you’re good to go. Ensure your camera is focused properly on the product before getting your shots to ensure clear images. Here’s a Pro tip — Make sure to clean your camera with a clean napkin in between shots to avoid blurry images. You should also check the pictures at intervals to ensure crisp images that allow customers to zoom in for a closer look.


Catch The Best Details By Framing The Right Way
Framing is as important as the picture itself. You need to highlight the unique features, textures, functionality and beauty of your product. Close-up shots can be particularly effective in showcasing quality and craftsmanship. By showcasing the intricate details, you’ll leave no doubts about the quality of your product and you can easily convince even the most doubtful person to make that purchase and complete their order.


Invest In Your Background and Props 

Sometimes, an eye candy can be the defining feature that informs a buyer’s decision. Some people are obsessed with aesthetics and your product background and props can persuade them to make a purchase. Choose a background that complements your product and aligns with your brand aesthetic. Choose props that are not distracting but work well to bring out the beauty of your product. You can also work on being consistent with your background color, textures, and props as this can create a recognizable brand identity.


Project Your Products’ Functionality Using Lifestyle Imagery
Sometimes, customers need to see your products in action to truly love and want it. Give them a taste of the good life by showcasing your products in real-life scenarios. You can do this by producing pictures that show how the product can enhance the user’s lifestyle, solve their problems, or fulfill their desires. For example, if you sell a Manual Juicer, show your products in action while it is being used along with some fruits rather than a still image of the Juicer. Images like these can evoke emotions and persuade potential customers to buy your products.


Measure Your Output With Testing and Analytics

The work does not just end at taking pictures. You need to measure the impact of your product photography and leverage on results to scale sales. What does this mean? This means that you have to test different variations of images, backgrounds, angles and compositions to identify what resonates best with your target audience on your social platforms. When you have an idea of what your audience loves, you can create similar images and push such content to maximize your potential for sales.

You can get amazing Lighting and great items that can work as beautiful props for your products on


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