Wondering exactly where to apply perfume?

Have you ever heard someone complain of their perfume not going far? sometimes its not the spray, its the application.
Where you spray on your body, how much you spray on, can impact how long the scent will last on your skin.

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applying perfume

Applying perfume is probably the final and last step while dressing, you apply so fast and you’re out the door. You may not even think of how to apply it because it seems so simple. But there’s more when it comes to wearing fragrances.

Want to make sure you’re applying your favorite fragrance like an expert?

Here are 4 essential tips on how to apply perfume to make your scent last longer.

1. Don’t Rub Into Your Skin.
The only thing you are allowed to rub on your skin is your cream and roll on.
But applying perfume into your skin in this way actually causes the fragrance’s top notes to fade and evaporate before they can settle. Rubbing perfume on your skin causes friction, which can heat it up and change the scent.


2. Spray Your Clothes
Speaking of clothes, applying a little perfume to your clothing is a great way to keep your scent going all day long, in as much as your clothe won’t get stained.
Fragrance interacts with fabrics differently than skin, so it’ll probably smell lighter or slightly different. You can also try spray some perfume in the air and wave your clothes around in it, this will definitely make your fragnance last longer on you.

3. Spray Into Your Pulse Points

Focus on your pulse points. These are areas where your veins sit closest to your skin, so you can literally feel your pulse. It’s places like the inside of your wrists, inner elbows, below your belly button, behind your ear lobes, and the back of your knees. These warm spots on your body emit extra body heat, which helps to naturally diffuse a scent. applying perfume to your pulse points requires you to spray or dab it, remember not to rub.

Applying Perfume

4. Apply It After Shower
Many people loves applying perfume on their way out, its the very last thing they do before heading out the door, but the perfume is actually able to absorb better into the skin when it’s warm and the pores are open. So it’s a good idea to apply it after shower when the skin is dried off but still warm.


The Best Perfume To Try Now

Do you want to switch or get a new fragrance, check out the list of this affordable perfumes on Marketstro



You can also click HERE to check out other perfume collection on Oriskincarehub

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