How dirty water almost made me lose my job

How water almost made me lose my job…

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Getting a job after university is one of the most challenging things ever, my joy knew no bounds when I got a job at a digital marketing firm in Lagos.
After so much jubilation, my joy hit a bound when I found out that there is nowhere to stay.
“Why did you apply in the first place then? my dad asked”. I sat down thinking about what to do, I have been job hunting for a while, and I can’t afford to lose this job not to talk about the bonuses that came with the job.

I started by going through my contact list, searching for people who stay in Lagos, my dad, on the other hand, kept talking about kidnapping and all but I’m less concerned about that. “let them kidnap me first, I murmured”
After a long search, a friend linked me up with a family member, I told my dad but he was still skeptical about me leaving, I did not say anything but just played “Pray for Me” by Darey and it was on repeat.

During the early hours on Sunday, I woke up, took my bath, and prepared to leave, My dad had no other choice than to pray for me. I got to Lagos early but was tired, I was coming from Ibadan so the journey lasted for three hours and 30 minutes.
My friend was already waiting for me at the bus stop, we greeted each other and we continued our journey, we entered like three different buses before we could get to our destination, the part that scared me most was when we spent up to 2 hours in traffic, I slept and woke up and we were still inside the traffic, I have never experienced that before tho.

We eventually got to Lekki, and my friend’s aunt welcomed us well.
Is this the friend you told me about? My friend said yes ma, she will just stay for a while till she settles well.

“Who will stay for a while? With all this beauty and luxury? in this big house? I am not staying for a while oo”. Do you think I said that? No, those were my thought.
My friend went back that same day, and they gave me my room as I entered the room, all I kept saying was, Ahh!! I must have money oo, I imagined a lot till I slept off.

I woke up early to prepare for work, entered the bathroom to take my bath, opened the tap and what came out shocked me. I looked around to confirm if I was in the bathroom or the tea room.

Even tho our house in Ibadan is not big, we have a tap, and water runs from the tap, and this makes me understand that if water is just pumped it might not come out clean immediately. Then I waited for a while for it to settle, after like 30min, I opened the tap again, and the same thing came out.
Haha! At this point, one would think this is a skit. I don’t even know what to do but I did something.

Guess what? I went to work without bathing.
It was not funny, I came back from work and the first question I was asked was “How were you able to take your bath, you did not use the pure water in your room at all?
I became more confused, I sat down and asked, pure water for bathing? She said yes.

Why? I asked

Then she went ahead and said; “I never knew about the water issue in Lekki until I moved there. I would have thought that it occurs only in low areas and maybe some extremely poor neighborhoods. I never knew such a thing awaited me. I saw it colored when I first moved into the house, I thought it was due to a dirty tank.
At first, I thought it was something I could treat alone in my apartment. I tried many things to clear the it. I bought an alum, a water guard, and other things but nothing changed. I didn’t know it was from the borehole.

I managed some methods for a while. When I saw that the water was not safe for drinking, I tried to connect to a  grid in the estate which is expensive. To dig a borehole beyond 300 meters is expensive and not everybody can afford it. The landlord doesn’t even live with us, so the house maintenance is on us. I moved into the house when it was new”.

Wow! Unbelievable!
I had different thoughts running through my mind, so I will use all my salary to buy pure water. How will I tell them back home that I’m using pure water to bathe?
I then remembered that my dad once spoke about something that can solve this issue. I texted him and he referred me to Marketstro where I can get a water treatment reverse osmosis machine named Aquarius.

What if I told you that I have a solution to this issue ma? There is this Osmosis…Wait! She cuts in “Before you continue, how much is the osmosis because that’s the important part and how is it better compared to buying pure water as regards the cost?
I opened the calculator on my phone, a bag of pure water is 250 ma, how many do you buy in a week? I buy 20, she replied.
Let’s calculate it together, 20 x 250 = 5,000 naira per week, also 20,000 naira per month, also 240,000 naira per year.
This reverse osmosis system will last you for years and in fact it has a 5 years warranty and it cost 260,000 naira only alongside with the installation, you don’t need to buy water anymore since there is water running through your tap.

What Is Reverse Osmosis?

Reverse Osmosis (RO) is a water purification process that uses a semi-permeable membrane to remove dissolved solids and impurities like bacteria, viruses, odors, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, heavy metals, and more. In addition, RO is a highly effective method for removing water-borne viruses from the water. As a result, it can be beneficial to use an RO drinking water purification system in areas with contaminated water to protect you and your family from diseases like diarrhea, cholera, and typhoid, which can be life-threatening.


Is Reverse Osmosis Water Safe

The answer is that RO water is safe to drink. RO water contains fewer contaminants, has lower sodium, has no parasites or bacteria, and is safer for cancer patients. It filters out pollutants through a membrane filter that doesn’t allow solids and prominent microbes to pass through.

reverse osmosis

Which Reverse Osmosis System Is The Best?

And that’s where Aquarius comes in, aquarius is a quality product made with European standards, certified by a water quality association, and filters are National Sanitation Foundation approved. Aquarius removes as much as 99% of contaminants from your drinking water, it is 12.34kg and it cost 260,000 with installation when you order on Marketstro. With Aquarius, when you already have running water in your apartment, you produce quality water at home and you won’t have to buy water anymore. With Aquarius, You save more and get quality water.

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