Aloe Vera: How to Care for Aloe Vera Plants | The Old Farmer's Almanac

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According to Wikipedia, Aloe Vera is a succulent plant species of the genus Aloe. Having some 500 species, Aloe is widely distributed, and is considered an invasive species in many world regions. An evergreen perennial, it originates from the Arabian Peninsula, but grows wild in tropical, semi-tropical, and arid climates around the world.

Aloe is a cactus-like plant that grows in hot, dry climates. Historically, aloe has been used for skin conditions and was thought to improve baldness and promote wound healing.

Benefits Of Aloe Vera

1. Reduces Infection and Acne
Are you battling with infection or acne? Aloe Vera is the easiest and quick to get remedy. It helps in gentle cleansing, and its antimicrobial properties treat pimples without causing any damages to the skin. It is an antiseptic that allows protection against bacteria. Aloe Vera contains polysaccharides and gibberellins. These help in the growth of new cells and at the same time, reduce inflammation and redness. It also reduces the size of pores, flushing out the excess microbes and dirt.


2. Boosts healing of wounds
It is now a known fact that Aloe Vera is highly beneficial for burns, cuts, and other injuries. This is because Aloe Vera boosts the healing of wounds, that is, it reduces the time of healing. This is true especially when the burn is of 1st degree and 2nd-degree burns. It’s a great skin burn treatment. It also helps to speed up skin cell reproduction as much as seven times. Aloe Vera also penetrates the epidermis, that is, the outer layer of the skin faster than water.


3. Moisturize the skin
Aloe gel when used as a moisturizing gel doesn’t leave a greasy film on the face and the skin, Unlike regular market-bought moisturizers. it unclogs the pores and softens the skin.
The skin never goes dry with the presence of Aloe Vera, It can also be used for an after shave treatment because the Aloe gel keeps the skin hydrated and heals burns. It also helps treat dry skin.


4. Fights skin-ageing
Aloe Vera gel has vitamin C and E, beta-carotene in abundance. Therefore, it has anti-ageing properties. It also contains antimicrobial properties and it is anti-inflammatory. It also helps to eradicate skin blemishes and diminish age lines. Additionally, it helps to increase the production of collagen in the body and skin elasticity.


5. Helps in hair growth
Like skin reproduction, Aloe gel helps in activating new hair growth as it increases blood circulation to the scalp. It also provides essential minerals and vitamins. Aloe Vera helps to condition the hair and soften it. Regular application of Aloe gel to the hair and scalp helps to maintain the vitality of the hair and its shine.

Check out these Aloe Vera made product from Envin G lifestyle. 


Forever Marine Mask contains powerful sea ingredients with pure Aloe Vera gel and also honey and cucumber extract for ultimate soothing, conditioning and moisturizing.

Aloe VeraAloe Vera


This provides effective all day protection against under arm odor, it does not stain the clothe and it contains no aluminum salt

Aloe Vera

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